Sunday, November 1, 2009

what i want.

i want american halloween, curry-free food, and a hot shower. i want dupont library, sewanee winter, and lorena's. i want less pollution, more personal space, and my own car. i want to eat crawfish, speak english, and show my knees in public. i want a reliable internet connection, a reliable schedule, and a reliable means of communication, transportation, and evaluation. i want no honking horns, no staring crowds, and no chai (pj's coffee. please.). i want to play ratface with don, colleen, harrison and mccord. i want to walk around audubon park, cruise through whole foods, and watch dumb, dumb tv shows. i want to hear stories about georgie ferrell, sit in mclurg for hours, and drive to morgan's steep. i want air conditioning, a laundry machine, and my bed. i want new orleans brass bands, new orleans nightlife, and new orleans friends. i want to walk banana around the block with dad, coddle zulu with mom, and play rock band with mccordian. i want comfort, and familiarity, and home.

it's been 2 months, and this is what i want.


  1. The half-way point is so hard... I don't know why, but it just is. I promise promise promise it will fly by and you will not even realise it. And towards the end, you will savor it.

  2. sending some love your way, catherine! <3<3<3!!!

  3. your reading my mind. i need to get the heck back to america sometime soon.
