Thursday, September 3, 2009

hey, india.

NAMASTE. i have indeed arrived, much to the doubt of my family and friends who didn't hear from me for several days after i boarded that big, fat plane to delhi. speaking of, before i get into my adventures thus far in das land de curry, i need to brief you on my plane ride. firstly, i'm pretty sure that i wasn't in a plane-- more like a mammoth in the sky. literally, the biggest vehicle i have ever seen. secondly, i'm fairly certain that i was a hibernating animal in my past life due to the fact that i slept for all but one of the 13 hours it took to get to the other side of the world, aka india. that, or my new sleeping habits can really attest to the power of xanax. i have no doubt that xanax (and adderoll) were created by the gods. perhaps krishna or shiva if we're talking hinduism. thirdly, i knew i was incredibly unprepared even before i boarded the mammoth. not only had i forgotten my hindi textbooks in new orleans, but i had also opted not to take pills to prevent an infestation of malaria in my body. the books i can have shipped to me, but i severely regret the decision to NOT prevent malaria as i now look at my bitten, lumpy arms in the internet cafe.

ANYWAY, i arrived in delhi exactly a day after i departed for delhi. i was slightly greasier and more frazzled upon meeting azim ji (my academic director), rama ji (my homestay coordinator), and pavna ji (my language teacher) in the airport, but still overwhelmingly excited. sidebar- guards armed with ak47s and customs agents armed with swine flu masks are NOT the most welcoming signals. there were some of my first images of the delhi airport. moving on-- as previously stated, i, along with the other 4 SIT students on my flight, were greeted by azim ji, rama ji, and pavna ji and escorted to the ymca hostel in central new delhi. there, i met the other 14 students in my program (all girls) and quickly fell asleep again, as if i hadn't woken up from half-a-day's sleep just a few hours before.

we spent the next 2 days exploring delhi-- visiting ghandi's memorial, cruising around the bazaars and markets, and eating more curry than a human body (or mine at least) can handle. i am quickly realizing that i will not be losing weight here despite my dislike for curry because they use more butter than paula deen in their cooking. aka yumalum. ok- back to delhi. i found that a lot of the laws in delhi, especially the driving laws, are merely suggestions. cars, rickshaws, bikes, camels, donkeys, cattle, and monkeys are literally commuting in every direction. it's quite the free for all and would make most nauseous and/or fearful for the continuance of his or her life.

delhi was amazing, but jaipur is even better. we arrived in jaipur, the location of my study abroad, after a 7+ hour bus ride down a highway that had similar traffic "laws" as delhi. currently, we're going through orientation at the school which, by the way, looks more like an italian villa than an educational building.

well--let me just leave you here on the edge of your seat. we're going to see a bollywood movie right now (!!!) and i've got to peace. i'll try and get to an internet cafe later today and finish up the details of my life thus far in india.

lots of love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Wat to go, Catherine! I love keeping upn with your adventurre in India. What an exciting experience. It is so strange being in such a different culture, isn't it? As for Nevis, there are not even suggestions for driving. The cars stop in the middle of the road so the drivers can visit with each other - and aside from the rickshaws, all the animals in the way here are There are no traffic lights. They had one once, but had to take it down because no one paid any attention to it. Here, only the goats and the sheep actually get in the road, but they are quite a hazzard. We are doing fine here: same ole thing, but enjoying life on the island. I hope you will come to see us here whenever you can. It is NOT a sophisticated island:very rudimental. Know that I am thinking about you and you have my love with you always.
